Soundiiz is supporting lot of tools to manage your online music collection. And you are probably looking on a solution to quickly add a new element in your favorite list (Tracks, Artists or Albums) or in a playlist.
Adding a new element to favorite list / collection or library:
In Soundiiz, go to Your Library in left panel and select your list between Tracks, Albums or Artists. Once selected, the interface will display in a table all your elements you've got in this favorite list.
To add a new element, simply use Add album (for exemple if you are in Album list) in the top right of the interface and follow steps to quickly search an item:
It's a simple and fast way to quickly organize your music library, whatever platform you are using and a good solution to compare your favorite list between services.
Adding a new Track in your playlist:
In Soundiiz, go to Your Library in left panel and select Playlists. Once selected, the interface will display in a table all your playlists you've got in your different connected services.
Select a playlist to see more details and an interface with the track list. Under playlist details (like the Title, Description, number of tracks...); select the Add track button (you must be the playlist creator to use it).
You can now use the search interface to found the perfect new track to add to your playlist. You can search by a simple text query but also use the URL of the track or an ISRC.
Be aware than once selected, the track will be added to the end of the playlist. And there could have some times between the addition and when the track is effectively displayed.