While you are using the Forgot Password feature to retrieve access to your Soundiiz account, be aware that you may not receive any email.
Why ? Simply because we don't have a Soundiiz account with such email. As a basic security protection, we are not informing the user if the requested email account exists or not.
That means if you are not using the right email with the one you have created a Soundiiz account, you will not receive any email.
If you have used a Sign in with Facebook/Google/Twitter, you have to use the email linked to these accounts.
Now, it's also possible that you have used "Sign in with Apple" during the Soundiiz account creation. While using this feature, your personal email is not share with us but instead, we are getting something like xxxx@privaterelay.appleid.com.
And so, your Soundiiz account email is xxxx@privaterelay.appleid.com which... you probably didn't know. That's you will not receive the reset password email to your personal email.
Be sure to use "Sign in with Apple" as long as you have created a Soundiiz account with "Sign in with Apple".
And to create a Soundiiz password, take a look at your Apple settings, third party apps, to see which private relay email is used. Once you get it, you will be able to use it on Soundiiz to reset a dedicated Soundiiz password.
After that, if you are still not being able to connect to your Soundiiz account, we simply recommend to recreate another Soundiiz account, by keeping note of the email or login method used.
If you have Soundiiz charges on your bank account and not retrieving the Soundiiz account used (or the account you have found is "Free" - which means you are not connected to the right account...), please send us a message by telling the the name used on card and last 4 digits.