You can proceed to an account deletion Soundiiz and remove all saved data on Soundiiz servers at any time directly in your user settings as long you don't have an active subscription.
To access your User Settings, select the Setting icon near your Username/Avatar in the top left of the interface.
If you have an error here, you probably didn't fill in the correct password or still have an active subscription (in that case, the subscription will be canceled anyway).
Wrong password: If you have created a Soundiiz account with Facebook/Spotify/Twitter/Google/Apple (be sure to use the right generated Apple email), you will have to use a Soundiiz password to confirm the delete process. You can generate a Soundiiz password on this page.
Error message: if you have an active subscription, you must first set to cancel your subscription and wait until the end of the current subscription period. Once over, you can delete your account directly in your user settings.
Be aware that deletion will definitively remove your Soundiiz account and data. Still, you will have to revoke each access you have granted to music services to Soundiiz directly in the music service interface.
You can also write us directly at if you got any issues while requesting your data deletion. We will take care of this.